LMM Book
Now Available!
Your LMM Book will ship 1-3 days after purchase. This is NOT an e-book. This is a 200-page paperback book.
Learn more about what the book entails in the
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You can order multiple copies for your spouse, your business partner, or friends and family, too!
Praise for the LMM Book:
January 16, 2024
"Derek & Team,
I wanted to reach out and thank you for writing this book. I was introduced to GovCon mid-2022, and I was one of those people who spent most of their time listening to several different influencers in the GovCon space. I was so overwhelmed with the conflicting information out there that I just pushed GovCon to the side and started a completely different business. I've spent over $2,000 seeking direction in this space and still fell short of understanding.That's until I read the LMM book. I can not explain how well written and detailed this book is. For 1.5% of the money I've spent up to this point, I have received what I know will turn into at least 6 figures in the next 12-24 months.
The thing that stands out to me about you Derek is that it is very obvious that you truly want to help small businesses reap the benefits of government contracting. This book answered EVERY question I had, plus some. With the help of your book, YouTube videos, and my previous business experience, I've submitted 10 proposals in the last 30 days.
I truly mean this: This book is all one needs.
Thank you,
Des D."